


发布时间:2023年12月27日 编辑: 访问量:







[1] Xie Wenquan, Tan Jingqiang, Wang Wenhui., et al. Record of Middle Jurassic wildfire and its incidental mercury emissions in northern Qaidam Basin, China: Evidence from the inertinite and mercury anomalies in coal. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2022, 261.

[2] Xie Wenquan, Tan Jingqiang, Wang Wenhui., et al. Middle Jurassic lacustrine source rocks controlled by an aridification event: A case study in the northern Qaidam Basin (NW China). International Journal of Coal Geology. 2021, 242.

[3] Xie Wenquan, Jia Jianliang., et al. Formation and evolution of coal– and oil–bearing source rocks in the Lower Cretaceous Shahai Formation in the Fuxin Basin (NE China): Evidence from organic and inorganic geochemical analyses. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2021, 202.

[4] Bai Yueyue, Xie Wenquan*, Liu Zhaojun, Xu Yinbo. Formation and evolution mechanisms of coal and oil shale from the Middle Jurassic Shimengou Formation, northern Qaidam Basin, China. Ore Geology Reviews. 2022, 151. (通讯作者)

[5] Xie Wenquan, Wang Wenhui, Tan Jingqiang, Liu Zhaojun, Wang Yong, Song Xueqi, Ahmed Mansour. Late Middle Jurassic climate aridification event in the Qaidam Basin, northwestern China: palynological and geochemical implications. Palaeoworld, 2023.

[6] Xie, Wenquan., Jia, Jianliang., Ahmed Mansour., Wang Xiaoming. Hydrocarbon generation and migration in the Fuxin Basin during the Cretaceous evolution of the North China Craton, NE China [J]. Geomechanics And Geophysics For Geo-energy And Geo-resources. 2023, 9:148.

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[8] 谢文泉,刘招君,肖丽佳,宋朔,刘金霖.柴北缘鱼卡地区中侏罗统石门沟组油页岩资源潜力[J].特种油气藏,2018,25(05):78-83.

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